Orange Tequila Liqueur Recipe


  • 3 or 4 Medium Oranges
  • 1 Liter of Tequila
  • 3/4 Cup of Agave Nectar

Note: If an 80 proof tequila is used in this recipe, the orange tequila liqueur is going to contain about 32% alcohol by volume.

Orange Tequila Liqueur

Washing and Peeling the Oranges

Wash all the oranges using a brush and warm water to remove all the pesticides and dirt. After washing the oranges, dry them with a paper towel.

Remove the orange peels with a potato peeler. Do not use a citrus zester. When peeling the oranges, try not to get any of the pith (the white stuff of the oranges). If you get some pith, scrape it off with a knife (Don't scrape too hard. You don't want to lose a lot of orange zest.)

Orange Peels with a Potato Peeler

Aging the Orange Peels

Place all the orange peels in a glass jar and add the tequila. Let the peels and tequila age for at least a month. Stir it once a week with a metal or wood spoon.

Orange Peels in a Jar with Tequila

Filter the Orange Liqueur

After a month of aging, the liqueur is ready to be strained. Strain the liqueur with a strainer to remove all the orange peels. Then filter it with a coffee filter to remove any small particles like pieces of pith.

Filter the Orange Liqueur

Add Agave Nectar and Stir

After filtering, add the agave nectar and stir constantly until all the nectar dissolves completely.

Note: If you prefer a less sweet liqueur, add 1/2 cup of agave nectar instead of the 3/4 cups.

Add Agave Nectar to the Tequila