Peppermint Schnapps Recipe
- 1 Tablespoon of Peppermint Extract
- 2 Cups of Vodka
- 2 Cups of Water
- 1 Cup of Granulated Sugar

Combine Peppermint Extract and Vodka
Wash and dry a glass jar. Pour 2 cups of vodka into the jar and add 1 tablespoon of peppermint extract. Stir well.
Store the jar in a cool place away from sunlight for two weeks. Stir the liqueur at least once a week.

Add Simple Syrup
Boil 2 cups of water in a pan. Add the sugar and stir constantly until all the sugar dissolves completely. Let the simple syrup cool down. Add the simple syrup to the jar of peppermint liqueur and stir.
Store the jar back to its place and let it sit for 2 weeks. Stir the liqueur at least once a week.

Bottle the Peppermint Schnapps
After one month of aging, the peppermint schnapps is ready to be bottled. Get a funnel and an empty bottle. Pour peppermint schnapps into the bottle using the funnel.

Drink Recipes Containing Peppermint Schnapps
8 Seconds
Acid Cookie
After Five
Apocalypse #2
Beansy's Battleground
Blue Altoid
Blue Glory
Burning Nazi
Buzzard's Breath
Candy Cane
Candy Cane #2
Cough Drop
Dead Nazi
Dead Nazi From Hell
Depth Charge
Four Horsemen #2
Girl Scout Cookie
Grand Master
Hot Pants
Irish Monk
Irish Monk Shot
Junior Mint #2
Liquid Cocaine #2
Liquid Crack
Mexican Nazi
Naked Girl Scout
Peppermint Iceberg
Peppermint Martini
Peppermint Patty
Peppermint Stick
Peppermint Stinger
Peppermint Twist
Peppermint Twist (Frozen)
Polar Bear
Screaming Nazi
Silver Bullet #3
Ski Jump
Skid Mark
Slam Dancer
Sliver Bullet #4
Snake Bite #3
Terminator #2
Three Wise Men #2
White Polar Bear
Wild Jackalope