Vodka Highball
- 2 oz. 60 ml Vodka
- Ginger Ale or Club Soda / Carbonated Water
Lemon Twist
Pour vodka into a glass with ice. Fill it with ginger ale or club soda.
Highball Glass
Similar Drink Recipes to Vodka Highball
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- Bitters Highball
- Bocce Ball #2
- Boston Cooler
- Bourbon Cooler
- Bourbon Highball
- Brain Eraser
- Brandy Cooler
- Brandy Highball
- Caribbean Cooler
- Cognac Highball
- Copperhead
- Country Club Cooler
- Dusty Dog
- El NiƱo
- English Highball
- Floradora Cooler
- Gables Collins
- Gin Cooler
- Gin Highball
- Handball Cooler
- Headless Horseman
- Highball
- Irish Cooler
- Irish Whiskey Highball
- Jubilee
- Karoff
- Klondike Cooler
- Man In The Melon
- Mind Eraser
- Mint Highball
- Morning Glory Fizz #2
- Nuthouse
- Press
- Remsen Cooler
- Rum Cooler
- Rum Highball
- Rye Highball
- Scotch Cooler
- Scotch Highball
- Tastes Like Pussy
- Tequila Cooler
- Tequila Highball
- Vodka And Ginger
- Vodka And Soda
- Vodka Cobbler
- Vodka Cooler
- Vodka Fizz
- Vodka Rickey
- Vodka Sangaree
- Vodka Smash
- Vodka Sonic
- Vodka Squirt
- Vodka Swizzle
- Whiskey Cooler
- Whiskey Highball
- Zipperhead