South Side Fizz

- 2 oz. 60 ml Gin
- 1 oz. 30 ml Lemon Juice
- 1 tsp. 1 tsp. Sugar
- Club Soda / Carbonated Water
Mint Leaves
Pour gin and lemon juice into a glass with ice. Fill it with club soda. Add sugar and stir.
Highball Glass
Similar Drink Recipes to South Side Fizz
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Albemarle Fizz
Allen Cocktail
American Grog
Apricot Cocktail
Apricot Cooler
Apricot Fizz
Arthur Tompkins
Aviation Cocktail
Belles Of St. Mary's
Bennett Cocktail
Bermuda Bouquet
Bermuda Highball
Billy Taylor
Blackberry Lemon Drop
Blackberry Lemon Drop #2
Blue Devil Cocktail
Blue Lemon Drop
Blue Lemon Drop #2
Blueberry Lemon Drop
Blueberry Lemon Drop #2
Bolshoi Punch
Boot Hill
Boston Cocktail
Boston Cooler
Boswellian Booster
Bourbon Cooler
Bourbon Daisy
Bourbon Fizz
Bourbon Sangaree
Bourbon Sling
Bourbon Smash
Bourbon Squirt
Bourbon Swizzle
Bowton Nell
Brandied Egg Sour
Brandy Cooler
Brandy Daisy
Brandy Fizz
Brandy Sangaree
Brandy Sling
Brandy Smash
Brandy Squirt
Brandy Swizzle
Brian's Belief
Brighton Punch
British Comfort
Burgundy Bishop
Cactus Bite
California Lemonade
Canadian Salad
Canal Street Daisy
Caribbean Cooler
Casino Cocktail
Casino Royale
Champagne Fizz
Champs Élysées Cocktail
Chelsea Sidecar
Cherry Fizz
Cherry Sling
Clover Club Cocktail
Commodore Cocktail
Cornell Cocktail
Count Currey
Cream Fizz
Cream Puff
Crimson Cocktail
Darb Cocktail
Diamond Fizz
Dinah Cocktail
Doctor Dawson
Double Standard Sour
Dubonnet Fizz
Dusty Bill
Eclipse Cocktail
English Highball
English Rose Cocktail
Fallen Angel
Fancy Gin
Favorite Cocktail
Fell Juice
Fine And Dandy
Fleet Street
Floradora Cooler
Fog Cutter
Fox And Hounds
Free Silver
French 75
French 95
Gables Collins
Gent Of Jury
Gentleman's Club
Gilroy Cocktail
Gimlet #2
Gin And Bitter Lemon
Gin And Sin
Gin And Soda
Gin Buck
Gin Cassis
Gin Cassis Fizz
Gin Cobbler
Gin Cooler
Gin Daisy
Gin Fix
Gin Fizz
Gin Flip
Gin Highball
Gin Milk Punch
Gin Old Fashioned
Gin Rickey
Gin Sangaree
Gin Sling
Gin Smash
Gin Squirt
Gin Swizzle
Gin Toddy
Grand Royal Fizz
Green Dragon
Greenham's Grotto
Harvard Cooler
Highland Cooler
Highland Sling
Honolulu Cocktail #1
Hot Gin Toddy
Hula-Hula Cocktail
Ideal Cocktail
Imperial Fizz
Innocent Passion
Irish Cooler
Irish Sangaree
Irish Swizzle
Irish Whiskey Daisy
Irish Whiskey Fizz
Irish Whiskey Sling
Irish Whiskey Smash
Irish Whiskey Squirt
Jack Rose
Jack's Jam
Jamaican Fizz
Jockey Club Cocktail
Jocose Julep
Journalist Cocktail
Joy Jumper
Judge Jr. Cocktail
K.G.B. Cocktail
Klondike Cooler
Kyoto Cocktail
L.A. Cocktail
La Belle Québec
Leap Frog Highball
Leap Year
Leave It To Me Cocktail #1
Leave It To Me Cocktail #2
Lemon Drop Martini
Lemon Drop Martini #2
Linstead Cocktail
Little Devil Cocktail
Lone Tree Cooler
Los Angeles Cocktail
Macbeth's Dream
Maiden No More
Maiden's Blush
Maiden's Blush #2
Maiden's Prayer
Major Bailey
Manila Fizz
Mary Rose
Melon Cocktail
Mississippi Planters Punch
Monte Carlo Imperial Highball
Morning Glory Fizz
Mr. Manhattan Cocktail
Mumbo Jumbo
New York Cocktail
Opal Cocktail
Orange Blossom
Orangeade #2
Pammy Kay
Papaya Sling
Peach Sangaree
Pineapple Cooler
Pineapple Fizz
Pink Cream Fizz
Pisco Sour
Planter's Cocktail
Planter's Punch #1
Polo Cocktail
Port Wine Sangaree
Portuguese Daisy
Prince's Smile
Ramos Fizz
Raspberry Lemon Drop
Raspberry Lemon Drop #2
Rasta's Revenge
Rattlesnake Cocktail
Red Cloud
Red Lion
Remsen Cooler
Resolute Cocktail
Rochdale Cowboy
Root Beer
Root Beer Fizz
Rose Cocktail (English)
Royal Smile Cocktail
Royalty Fizz
Rum Cooler
Rum Daisy
Rum Fizz
Rum Sangaree
Rum Sling
Rum Smash
Rum Squirt
Rum Swizzle
Same Old Song
San Sebastian
Sand Grown Un
Scotch Cooler
Scotch Daisy
Scotch Fizz
Scotch Old Fashioned
Scotch Sangaree
Scotch Sling
Scotch Smash
Scotch Squirt
Scotch Swizzle
Sensation Cocktail
Shady Grove
Sherry Cobbler
Silver Bullet
Singapore Sling
Singapore Sling #2
Singapore Sling #3
Sloe Gin Fizz
Sloehand Jackson
Smile Cocktail
Son Of Adam
Sonny Gets Kissed
Soother Cocktail
South Side Cocktail
Spring Feeling Cocktail
St. Charles Punch
Stanley Cocktail
Star Daisy
Stirrup Cup
Strain The Rein
Strawberry Lemon Drop
Strawberry Lemon Drop #2
Tartan Swizzle
Tequila Cooler
Tequila Daisy
Tequila Fizz
Tequila Moonrise
Tequila Old Fashioned
Tequila Sangaree
Tequila Sling
Tequila Smash
Tequila Squirt
Tequila Swizzle
Thanksgiving Cocktail
Thanksgiving Special
The Shoot
Triplet Cocktail
Tuaca Lemon Drop
Twentieth Century
Twin Hills
Victory Collins
Vodka Cooler
Vodka Daisy
Vodka Fizz
Vodka Sangaree
Vodka Sling
Vodka Smash
Vodka Squirt
Vodka Swizzle
Waking To The Call Of The Mockingbird
Ward Eight
Western Rose
What The Hell
Whiskey All In
Whiskey Cooler
Whiskey Daisy
Whiskey Fizz
Whiskey Sangaree
Whiskey Sling
Whiskey Smash
Whiskey Squirt
Whiskey Swizzle
Whiskey To Go
White Lady
White Lady #2
White Lion Cocktail
Why Not?