Rum Smash

- 2 oz. 60 ml Rum (Light)
- 1 tsp. 1 tsp. Sugar
- 1 oz. 30 ml Club Soda / Carbonated Water
- 4 4 Mint Leaves
Orange Slice and Cherry
Muddle mint, sugar and club soda in an old fashioned glass. Add rum and ice.
Old Fashioned Glass
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Black Maria
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Boston Cooler
Bourbon Cooler
Bourbon Fizz
Bourbon Sangaree
Bourbon Smash
Bourbon Squirt
Bourbon Swizzle
Bowton Nell
Brandy Cooler
Brandy Fizz
Brandy Sangaree
Brandy Smash
Brandy Squirt
Brandy Swizzle
Bull's Milk
Burgundy Bishop
California Lemonade
Canadian Julep
Caribbean Cooler
Champagne Julep
Cream Fizz
Cream Puff
Cuban Cocktail
Derby Daiquiri
Doctor Dawson
Eye Opener
Fancy Rum
Fell Juice
Fireman's Sour
Floradora Cooler
Free Silver
Georgia Mint Julep
Gin Cassis Fizz
Gin Cooler
Gin Fizz
Gin Sangaree
Gin Smash
Gin Squirt
Gin Swizzle
Grand Royal Fizz
Harvard Cooler
Highland Cooler
Hot Rum Toddy
Imperial Fizz
Irish Cooler
Irish Julep
Irish Sangaree
Irish Swizzle
Irish Whiskey Fizz
Irish Whiskey Smash
Irish Whiskey Squirt
Jamaican Fizz
Jocose Julep
Judge Jr. Cocktail
Klondike Cooler
Lone Tree Cooler
Major Bailey
Mint Julep
Mississippi Planters Punch
Mr. Manhattan Cocktail
Nevada Cocktail
Night Cap
Orangeade #2
Passion Daiquiri
Peach Sangaree
Pineapple Cooler
Pineapple Fizz
Pink Cream Fizz
Planter's Punch #1
Port Wine Sangaree
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Royalty Fizz
Rum And Soda
Rum Cobbler
Rum Cooler
Rum Daisy
Rum Fizz
Rum Flip
Rum Gimlet #2
Rum Highball
Rum Milk Punch
Rum Old Fashioned
Rum Rickey
Rum Sangaree
Rum Sling
Rum Squirt
Rum Swizzle
Rum Toddy
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Scotch Fizz
Scotch Old Fashioned
Scotch Sangaree
Scotch Smash
Scotch Squirt
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Tequila Fizz
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Tequila Sangaree
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Tequila Swizzle
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Vodka Squirt
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Whiskey Fizz
Whiskey Sangaree
Whiskey Smash
Whiskey Squirt
Whiskey Swizzle
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Zombie #2